Tips for Better Sleep While on the Road as a Truck Driver
A career in trucking allows you to travel through beautiful landscapes, see historic landmarks, and meet people from all walks of life. However, driving can sometimes become monotonous, especially if the trucker hasn’t been sleeping well.
The following suggestions can assist truck drivers in developing healthy habits that will improve their sleep and overall well-being while on the road.
1. Work out during the day.
Exercising generates melatonin, which promotes deep, restful, and uninterrupted sleep. The more you exercise, the more rest you’ll need. Though you don’t have to become a bodybuilder to get a good night’s sleep, go for a walk, do some squats and pushups, or move around your cabin if the weather is terrible.
2. Purchase a good mattress.
A good night’s sleep requires a high-quality mattress. Your mattress should have a 3- to 6-inch-thick memory foam pad to provide extra cushion and comfort.
3. Take note of the caffeine.
Caffeine inhibits melatonin production, so the six hours before bedtime are critical. To give your body the energy required, limit your caffeine intake to no more than 60 mg daily and eat whole foods.
4. Choose a quiet location.
A quiet environment can help you sleep better. Find a safe and secure parking spot away from other trucks and rushing traffic if possible.
If you can’t escape the bustling city noise, use earplugs to block sound while sleeping. Another option for improving sleep is listening to white noise or natural sounds. You can also silence your phone except for calls from specific contacts.
5. Put on a sleep mask.
Creating a dark sleep environment is essential for falling and staying asleep. Cover your windows from the inside, close your sleeper cabin curtains, and wear a sleep mask to block out light.
6. Avoid using screens before going to bed.
Exposure to blue light from screens before bedtime can cause sleep disruption. Instead, consider reading a book or magazine or listening to music.
7. Maintain a cool temperature.
Indoor temperatures should be between 60°F and 67°F for optimal sleep. Truckers should consider using a small fan to keep cool at night when the weather is hot. Heavier bedding and a small heater can help keep temperatures consistent during the winter.
Contact Four Sons Logistics for all your trucking needs.
Four Sons Logistics is a local trucking company in San Diego that has truck drivers that are experienced and ready to ensure your cargo will make it to its destination safely. All truck drivers have the necessary inspections and certifications, so you can trust that your goods are in the best hands. Plus, all trucking needs are met: long-distance hauling, small shipments, international trucking, whatever your transportation needs. So don’t wait! Contact Four Sons Logistics today and get a truck driver to secure all your cargo.